
读《The Making of the Atomic Bomb》,二

Hans Bethe认为

                “Everything before 1932 “the prehistory of nuclear physics, and from 1932 on the history of nuclear physics.” The difference, he said, was the discovery of the neutron.”1

以前不怎么认为中子的发现对比电子或质子发现有什么特别之处。这些日子专心读关于核物理的历史才体会到,Hans Bethe说得非常对。因为中子的发现才衍生出后来一系列核物理重大发展。所以人类竟然可以在短短几十年,从20世纪初对原子构造粗浅认识到40年代掌握原子能,这速度可谓惊人。2



题外话,也是因为要了解多一点曼哈顿计划,重读费曼的《The Pleasure of Finding Things Out》。当年才20多岁的费曼被派到Oak Ridge, Tennessee。那里拥有几座利用不同技术的铀同位素分离工厂和钚的实验工厂。费曼到Oak Ridge是为了和生产间的工作人员谈论工厂安全问题。当时曼哈顿计划属于国家最高机密,工厂生产人员每个人只能被限制知道本身工作范围里的任务,对整个铀同位素分离计划或是为什么要分离这个化学元素,完全不知情。为了让工厂和工程人员了解他们操作生产铀的安全性质,费曼不惜破例为他们讲解核物理理论。可想而知,听了一番“当代物理”,相比在天才汇聚的Los Alamos是“初级学者”的费曼,在他们眼中简直就是天降之神。3

虽然《The Making of the Atomic Bomb》是一本大部头的书,可是读起来好不费气力。这可要归功作者的写作能力,可以有条不紊梳理原子物理发展脉络和当时政治、战争与科学间互相影响。读者可以在一本书里找到原子弹的溯源和其第一次投放的决策与准备过程,其一路的发展、实弹实验和使用,可谓惊心动魄。

Jan 20, 2024 - RC

1 Rhodes, Richard. The Making of the Atomic Bomb © 1986 by Rhodes & Rhodes. © 2012 by Rhodes & Rhodes. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, p. 165

2 就在30年代,卢瑟福、爱因斯坦和玻尔都认为人类很难掌控原子能。Ibid., 228

-          19339月,The Times登出卢瑟福在不列颠科学促进会年度会议里的演讲摘要


What, Lord Rutherford asked in conclusion, were the prospects 20 or 30 years ahead?

High voltages of the order of millions of volts would probably be unnecessary as a means of accelerating the bombarding particles. Transformations might be effected with 30,000 or 70,000 volts…. He believed that we should be able to transform all the elements ultimately.

We might in these processes obtain very much more energy than the proton supplied, but on the average we could not expect to obtain energy in this way. It was a very poor and inefficient way of producing energy, and anyone who looked for a source of power in the transformation of the atoms was talking moonshine. Ibid., 27

-          1934年,有人提出关于驾驭原子的能量时,爱因斯坦说:“想用撞击的方法来分裂原子,好比是黑暗中乱枪打鸟。”可是1939年初,当爱因斯坦知道原子可以发生分裂时,3月他被问道关于原子弹作战的可行性,爱因斯坦回答:“目前我们可以让原子分裂,但并不代表能够将释放的能量拿来做实际运用。”,就像为爱因斯坦写传记的作者写道,爱因斯坦很谨慎,没有把话讲得太死:“然而这个课题高度重要,有灵魂得物理学家都会继续探讨下去。”摘录自华特·艾萨克森《爱因斯坦——他的人生,他的宇宙》。时报文化出版企业股份有限公司。200946日初版,第446页。EINSTEIN, His Life and Universe © 2007 Walter Isaacson. Simon & Schuster. 

-          19361月,玻尔在写给《自然》的文章里,”For still more violent impacts, with particles of energies of about a thousand million volts, we must even be prepared for the collision to lead to an explosion of the whole nucleus. Not only are such energies, of course, at present far beyond the reach of experiments, but it does not need to be stressed that such effects would scarcely bring us any nearer to the solution of the much discussed problem of releasing the nuclear energy for practical purposes. Indeed, the more our knowledge of nuclear reactions advances the remoter this goal seems to become.” Ibid., 227  

3 Feynman, Richard P. The Pleasure of Finding Things Out © 1999 by Carl Feynman and Michelle Feynman. Perseus Books, p. 71 – 76. Edited by Jeffrey Robbins. 
